Monday, 29 August 2016

Installing Cisco AnyConnect VPN on Ubuntu 16.04

Struggling to setting up a new VPN to connect, here is the way that helped...


# ./ 
Installing Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client...
Extracting installation files to /tmp/vpn.0Zgby3/vpninst625702875.tgz...
Unarchiving installation files to /tmp/vpn.0Zgby3...
Starting Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Agent...
Failed to start vpnagentd.service: Unit vpnagentd.service not found.
FIX 1: 
Try running the follow as super user and try the setup again..

# apt install -y lib32z1 lib32ncurses5
didn't help for you, no worries we have another way :) 

FIX 2:

If you get the same error message after trying the fix #1, try running the following 2 commands in super do.

# apt install network-manager-openconnect

# systemctl daemon-reload
# ./ 
Installing Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client...
Removing previous installation...
mv: cannot stat '/opt/cisco/vpn/*.log': No such file or directory
Extracting installation files to /tmp/vpn.yUyv15/vpninst922924093.tgz...
Unarchiving installation files to /tmp/vpn.yUyv15...
Starting Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Agent...
Warning: vpnagentd.service changed on disk. Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units.
Here you go....
The link that saved my time ...