Monday, 28 April 2014

15 Linux Command That Can Be Used To View System Info

Linux administrators and users often need to view various system information. Commands in this section can tell you anything from hardware details to your system's kernel version. They are especially useful for developers in various scenarios.

1. arch

This command will show you the architecture of your system.

2. uname-m

This is another command to view the architecture of the system.

3. uname-r

This command is used to check the kernel version that is being used in the system.

4. dmidecode-q

This command give you the hardware components in your system.

5. hdparm-i / dev / hda

This is the command that shows the characteristics of your hard disk.

6. hdparm-tT / dev / sda

This command is used in order to conduct tests readings on hard drives.

7. cat / proc / cpuinfo

These commands can help you in getting CPU information.

8. cat / proc / interrupts

These commands are used to interrupt a process.

9. cat / proc / meminfo

This command verifies the memory usage in your system.

10. cat / proc / swaps

These commands are used in order to swap files.

11. cat / proc / version

These three commands can display the kernel version for your system.

12. cat / proc / net / dev

These four commands are used to view the network adapters and display statistics of the system.

13. cat / proc / mounts

This command shows you the mounted file system.

14. lspci-tv

If you need to view the PCI display devices then this is the command to use.

15. lsusb-tv

This is the command for displaying USB devices.

Resource: efytimes

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