Google is powerful social media tool. Mastering Google is
must if you want to master in social media. You can find the best results
faster using few tricks. Many of Google’s search operators are unknown to lot
of people.
1) Quotation marks
This is the most basic trick to search an exact phrase. For example if you search “Hello World” then you will get results of pages that contain “Hello” followed by “World.” The same method works for exact word queries as well. Like, if you search for boat, google will show results for pages that contain words “boating, boat club, boat resort etc.” but if you use “boat” in quotation marks then google will show results that contain the specific word “boat” only.
2) Minus sign
Using minus sign in phrase allows to specify to exclude results that include that word.
For example, if you’re looking for pages about mobile development and you want to avoid “android”, you can use this term : mobile development -android
3) Site
Using “site:” operator performs a search in particular site only.
Like, “ windows phone 11”
This will show results only from
4) Tilde
This operator acts opposite of enclosing single word in quotes. This operator searches for related words as well the word you typed in search box.
5) Asterisk
The asterisk (*) is used to match words.
For example, if you want to use how much money google invested in other companies, you can use this syntax -
“google invested * dollars * in * ”
6) File type
This operator enables the users to find files of particular type.
For example, you can search for only doc files.
filetype:doc Sample business plan
7) Definitions
You can search for definitions using google. The trick is simple.
You can use “define:xyz” to find definition of xyz.
For example, “define:science” will give you definition of science.
8) Unit conversion
This feature lets users convert between units. Just typing “X [units] in [units]” is sufficient.
For example, “5 miles in kilometres” will show you conversion of 5 miles to kilometres.
9) Calculator
You can use google for simple calculations. This saves time of pulling calculator app to perform mathematical operations. User can use +, -, * and / symbols to specify operations. Use of brackets is also allowed.
For example, “( 3 - 1 ) * 10 + 6 “ should give you exact answer.
Source: EFYTimes
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