If you require finding out
implementation of a particular functionality of C++ language, you don't need to
waste your time searching on Google. Here we provide you a comprehensive list
of top ten open source C++ libraries.
* Boost - It's a large collection of generic libraries
* Dlib - This library contains information on networking, threads, graphical interfaces, data structures and more.
* JUCE - It's a mature cross-platform C++ tool kit
* Reason - It provides knowledge on xml, xpath, regex, threads, sockets, http, sql and so on.
* Folly - This Facebook Open-source Library is designed with practicality and efficiency in mind.
* C++ RESTful framework - This is designed to be embedded into a wide range of applications.
* C++ REST SDK - This is a HTTP client and listener.
* Cpp-netlib - This is one of the best C++ Network Libraries.
* Boost.Asio - It talks about asynchronous and synchronous networking, timers, serial I/O
* POCO - It shares knowledge about networking, encryption, HTTP and Zip files
Graphic user interface
* FLTK - provides modern GUI functionality
* nana - A modern C++ GUI library
* WXWidgets - C++ library that lets developers create applications for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other platforms
* gtkmm - C++ Interfaces for GTK+ and GNOME
* goocanvasmm - canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library for drawing.
* libglademm
* libgnomecanvasmm
* Qt
* qwtplot3d
* qwt5
* libdbusmenu-qt
General Multimedia
* SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library)
* SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer)
* cairomm
* nux
* pangomm
* gegl
* plotutils
* soundtouch
* chromaprint
* libofa
* libmusicbrainz
* audiofile
* crystalhd
* mjpegtools
* libmatroska
* libVLC
* gstreamermm
3D Graphics
* Ogre3D
* OpenGL
* assimp
Source: efytimes
* Boost - It's a large collection of generic libraries
* Dlib - This library contains information on networking, threads, graphical interfaces, data structures and more.
* JUCE - It's a mature cross-platform C++ tool kit
* Reason - It provides knowledge on xml, xpath, regex, threads, sockets, http, sql and so on.
* Folly - This Facebook Open-source Library is designed with practicality and efficiency in mind.
* C++ RESTful framework - This is designed to be embedded into a wide range of applications.
* C++ REST SDK - This is a HTTP client and listener.
* Cpp-netlib - This is one of the best C++ Network Libraries.
* Boost.Asio - It talks about asynchronous and synchronous networking, timers, serial I/O
* POCO - It shares knowledge about networking, encryption, HTTP and Zip files
Graphic user interface
* FLTK - provides modern GUI functionality
* nana - A modern C++ GUI library
* WXWidgets - C++ library that lets developers create applications for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other platforms
* gtkmm - C++ Interfaces for GTK+ and GNOME
* goocanvasmm - canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library for drawing.
* libglademm
* libgnomecanvasmm
* Qt
* qwtplot3d
* qwt5
* libdbusmenu-qt
General Multimedia
* SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library)
* SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer)
* cairomm
* nux
* pangomm
* gegl
* plotutils
* soundtouch
* chromaprint
* libofa
* libmusicbrainz
* audiofile
* crystalhd
* mjpegtools
* libmatroska
* libVLC
* gstreamermm
3D Graphics
* Ogre3D
* OpenGL
* assimp
Source: efytimes
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