Tuesday, 23 September 2014

How to Resolve "Grub Rescue" Using Windows Repair Disc/LINUX Live CD

Some time when you have dual boot installed and then you remove one of the OS, say Linux setup. Then you will end up in the "grub rescue" prompt. Following steps will help you fix the Windows installation media 'grub rescue' using the windows repair disc you have or with the windows installation CD.

1) Get the Windows repair disc ready.
 Repair disk can be created by following steps. Start menu -> control panel -> backup and restore -> in left panel you will fine create a repair disc. Insert a CD and click. That’s it done :)

2) Get start the device (please refer to your device for boot option ex: dell -> F12) and choose Boot from CD/DVD option.

3) Then choose “command prompt” from Option list given.

4) Follow the steps, 

>bootrec /fixmbr 
>bootrec /fixboot 
>bootrec  /rebuildbcd

Command prompt will show successful message.....

Using Ubuntu Live cd:

  1. sudo mount /dev/sdaX /mnt
    Here, sdaX is your boot partition. You can get a list with sudo blkid like this,
    /dev/sda1: LABEL="Windows" UUID="BISBHBIUBYIVBI5968" TYPE="ntfs" 
    /dev/sda3: LABEL="Ubuntu 14.04" UUID="naskfjsdb-sdfsdf" TYPE="ext4" 
    /dev/sda8: LABEL="ENTIES" UUID="23534HDJFDB345" TYPE="ntfs" 
    /dev/sda9: LABEL="DATA" UUID="23432BVFGRDG" TYPE="vfat" 
    Note: sdaX must be Linux partition.
  2. sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/sda
  3. sudo update-grub

:) done ...restart the Machine and check. Good Luck :) 

Monday, 1 September 2014

C++ libraries that would help you..........

If you require finding out implementation of a particular functionality of C++ language, you don't need to waste your time searching on Google. Here we provide you a comprehensive list of top ten open source C++ libraries.


Boost - It's a large collection of generic libraries

Dlib - This library contains information on networking, threads, graphical interfaces, data structures and more.

JUCE - It's a mature cross-platform C++ tool kit

Reason - It provides knowledge on xml, xpath, regex, threads, sockets, http, sql and so on.

Folly - This Facebook Open-source Library is designed with practicality and efficiency in mind.


C++ RESTful framework - This is designed to be embedded into a wide range of applications.

C++ REST SDK - This is a HTTP client and listener.

Cpp-netlib - This is one of the best C++ Network Libraries.

Boost.Asio - It talks about asynchronous and synchronous networking, timers, serial I/O

POCO - It shares knowledge about networking, encryption, HTTP and Zip files

Graphic user interface 

 provides modern GUI functionality

nana - A modern C++ GUI library

WXWidgets  - C++ library that lets developers create applications for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other platforms


gtkmm - C++ Interfaces for GTK+ and GNOME

goocanvasmm - canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library for drawing.







General Multimedia 

SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library) 

SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) 

















3D Graphics 






Source: efytimes

Monday, 7 July 2014

Looking To Check Linux Hardware Info? Use These 10 Commands...

Lately, we have embarked on a journey to make you aware and familiarize with the different Linux commands out there. There are simply so many of them that it's real tough to bring them all together, therefore we decided to break them up and categories them into the various uses they are meant for. Today it's the turn of Linux system hardware info...

Reports info about the cpu and processing units.

Reports detailed/brief info about multiple hardware units like cpu, memory, disk, network adapters etc.

Lists out all the pci buses and details about the devices connected to them.

Lists out the scsi/sata devices (hard drives/optical drives).

10K line mega bash script that generates a GOOD looking report based on hardware details from multiple sources and commands.

Lists block devices.

Reports various partitions, mount points and the used/available space on each of them.

Mount/unmount and view mounted file systems.

Checks the amount of used, free and total RAM.

Reports info about sata devices (hard disks. etc)

Resource: EFYTimes

Thursday, 26 June 2014

15 Common Networking Terms That You Need To Know!

Computer networking is full of different terms. If you’re an active computer and internet user, you are bound to come across many unknown terms every day. Some of the most common terms are decoded here for you.

1. ISP

ISP is Internet Service Provider, it’s the company that provides you internet service. For example, your ISP can be BSNL, Airtel, Tata, Reliance, Tikona, You Broadband etc. It’s the company that you pay for internet services.

2. LAN

LAN stands for Local Area Network. As name suggests, it is limited to local area, which can be your home network, office network. LAN connections are used to improve efficiency at the work.

3. WAN

WAN stands for Wide Area Network, this type of network covers larger area. For example, your ISP has WAN network, you are part of ISP’s WAN network.

4. IP

IP is Internet Protocol address. It is unique numerical address of your computer on the network. IP address differs from computer to computer.

5. Router

A router is a device that passes network traffic. Passing on going traffic from connected devices to the internet and vice versa is the router’s job.

6. Gateway

Gateway is used to route the traffic in networks. For example, home router acts as gateway between LAN and WAN.

7. Hostname

A hostname is human readable label that is associated with device on the network. For example, other devices on your home network can connect to your primary PC using it’s hostname. In this case, devices will be pointed to PC’s IP address.

8. Domain Name

Internet domain name is base name for websites. Domain names are type of hostname.
When you type facebook.com in web browser, your computer contacts DSN server of Facebook, it replies with IP address of Facebook, your PC gets connected to the facebook’s server. Domain name is the medium that computers use to convert human readable domain names and hostnames to IP address. You use ISP’s DNS server to surf Internet, but you can always use third party DNS servers if you want to.

9. Ethernet

Ethernet is standard wire used in networking. The cable is used in Ethernet port on computer. It’s the medium using which computer is connected to a network.

10. Network Interface / Network Adapter

Wired Ethernet connection or WiFi are just network interfaces. Each network interface has unique IP address. Network interfaces can be entirely in software, they don't necessarily be corresponding to hardware devices every time.

11. localhost

localhost is the hostname which corresponds to your device. This uses loopback network interface to connect directly to your PC. localhost points to the IPv4 address or the IPv6 address ::1.

12. MAC

MAC address stands for Media Access Control address, which is known as physical address. This is a unique identifier. MAC addresses are assigned by manufacturer while creating the network device.

For example, in an airport, you will be refused to access free WiFi after first free 30 minutes get over. The airport’s WiFi network notes your device’s MAC address, using which they track your device in order to prevent you from taking advantage of more free minutes of the service.

MAC address is not the most secured networking option. You can easily change your device’s MAC address.

13. Firewall

A firewall is a software or hardware which is used to block certain type of traffic. It can be used to block incoming traffic from specific IP address.

14. HTTP

HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, this is the standard protocol used in all web browsers. There are other alternative protocols like FTP, BitTorrent which are used to communicate on network.

15. URL

URL is Uniform Resource Locator, it is also known as a web address. For example, htttp://google.com/image-search guides your computer to use hypertext transfer protocol to connect to DSN of google.com and look for file named image-search in root directory.

Resource: efytimes.com

Tricks Will Make You Pro Googler!

Google is powerful social media tool. Mastering Google is must if you want to master in social media. You can find the best results faster using few tricks. Many of Google’s search operators are unknown to lot of people. 

1) Quotation marks

This is the most basic trick to search an exact phrase. For example if you search “Hello World” then you will get results of pages that contain “Hello” followed by “World.” The same method works for exact word queries as well. Like, if you search for boat, google will show results for pages that contain words “boating, boat club, boat resort etc.” but if you use “boat” in quotation marks then google will show results that contain the specific word “boat” only.

2) Minus sign 

Using minus sign in phrase allows to specify to exclude results that include that word.
For example, if you’re looking for pages about mobile development and you want to avoid “android”, you can use this term : mobile development -android

3) Site

Using “site:” operator performs a search in particular site only.
Like, “site:efytimes.com windows phone 11”
This will show results only from efytimes.com

4) Tilde

This operator acts opposite of enclosing single word in quotes. This operator searches for related words as well the word you typed in search box.

5) Asterisk

The asterisk (*) is used to match words.
For example, if you want to use how much money google invested in other companies, you can use this syntax -
“google invested * dollars * in * ”

6) File type

This operator enables the users to find files of particular type.
For example, you can search for only doc files.
filetype:doc Sample business plan

7) Definitions 

You can search for definitions using google. The trick is simple.
You can use “define:xyz” to find definition of xyz.
For example, “define:science” will give you definition of science.

8) Unit conversion

This feature lets users convert between units. Just typing “X [units] in [units]” is sufficient.

For example, “5 miles in kilometres” will show you conversion of 5 miles to kilometres.

9) Calculator

You can use google for simple calculations. This saves time of pulling calculator app to perform mathematical operations. User can use +, -, * and / symbols to specify operations. Use of brackets is also allowed.
For example, “( 3 - 1 ) * 10 + 6 “ should give you exact answer.

Source: EFYTimes

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Linux Terminal Emulator Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Shift + Ctrl + W : Closing a Terminal
  • Shift + Ctrl + Q : Closing Window
  • Shift + Ctrl + C : Copy
  • Shift + Ctrl + V : Paste
  • F11 : Full Screen
  • Shift + Ctrl + O : Splitting Horizontally
  • Shift + Ctrl + E : Splitting Vertically
  • Ctrl + Tab : Cycle
  • Alt + Down : Move Down
  • Alt + Up : Move Up
  • Alt + Left : Move Left
  • Alt + Right : Move Right
  • Shift + Ctrl + Up : Resize Up
  • Shift + Ctrl + Down : Resize Down
  • Shift + Ctrl + Left : Resize Left
  • Shift + Ctrl + Right : Resize Right
  • Ctrl and + : Zoom In
  • Ctrl + 0 : Zoom Standard
  • Ctrl + - : Zoom Out
  • Shift + Ctrl + T : Create New Tab
  • Shift + Ctrl + Page Up : Switch Tab Left
  • Shift + Ctrl + Page Down : Switch Tab Right

Monday, 23 June 2014

7 Free EDA Tools That All Eletronics Engineers Should Know!

Electronic Design and Automation is often the most important step in a project. It aids in laying the ground work before putting ideas to practical applications. Here are the tools that aid you in EDA.

1. gEDA project
The gEDA project has produced a GPL'd toolkit of Electronic Design Automation tools. These tools are used for electrical circuit design, schematic capture, simulation, prototyping, and production. The gEDA project offers a mature suite of free software applications for electronics design, including schematic capture, attribute management, bill of materials (BOM) generation, netlisting into over 20 netlist formats, analog and digital simulation, and printed circuit board (PCB) layout.

2. Fritzing
Fritzing is essentially Electronic Design Automation software with a low entry barrier, suited for the needs of designers and artists. It uses the metaphor of the breadboard, so that it is easy to transfer your hardware sketch to the software. From there it is possible to create PCB layouts for turning it into a robust PCB yourself or by help of a manufacturer.

3. KiCad
KiCad is an EDA software suite for the creation of professional schematics and printed circuit boards up to 16 layers. KiCad runs on Windows, Linux and Apple OS X and is released under the open-source GNU GPL v2 free of charge.

4. Magic VLSI
Magic is a venerable VLSI layout tool, written in the 1980's at Berkeley by John Ousterhout, now famous primarily for writing the scripting interpreter language Tcl. Due largely in part to its liberal Berkeley open-source license, Magic has remained popular with universities and small companies.

5. KTechLab
KTechlab is an IDE for microcontrollers and electronics. It provides debugging for a PIC program simulated in a circuit, FlowCode and example circuits.

6. Electric
the Electric VLSI Design System is an open-source Electronic Design Automation (EDA) system that can handle many forms of circuit design, including custom IC layout, textual languages and schematic capture. 

Source: EFYTimes.com

Here Are Some Open Source Tools For Artificial Intelligence!

Artificial intelligence is one of the most innovative and adventurous aspects of science. While some say it is far fetched, a mechanical being with the same amount of intelligence as a human is definitely a real possibility. So, how does one design an AI? Well, for starters, they use the following software.

1. OpenCog

OpenCog is an open-source software project aimed at directly confronting the AGI challenge, using mathematical and biological inspiration and professional software engineering techniques.

2. AForge.NET

AForge.NET is a C# framework designed for developers and researchers in the fields of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence - image processing, neural networks, genetic algorithms, machine learning, robotics, etc.

3. OpenCV

OpenCV was designed for computational efficiency and with a strong focus on real-time applications. Written in optimized C/C++, the library can take advantage of multi-core processing. Enabled with OpenCL, it can take advantage of the hardware acceleration of the underlying heterogeneous compute platform. It works on Windows, Mac OS, iOS, Linux and Android operating systems.

4. R programming language

R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, Windows and MacOS.


Aspects of TM problem solving to which AI techniques may be applied are analysed, AI techniques appropriate to the TM problem domain are selected and a texture rendering expert system (TReX) architecture developed. A new approach to TM based on TReX, called Intelligent Mapping, is proposed.

6. ROS

ROS (Robot Operating System) provides libraries and tools to help software developers create robot applications. It provides hardware abstraction, device drivers, libraries, visualizers, message-passing, package management, and more. ROS is licensed under an open source, BSD license.

7. Archimedes (CAD)

Archimedes is a free and open source CAD (Computer Aided Design) software. It is a robust system built over Eclipse's Rich Client Platform fully based on plug ins. This means it is easily extensible but also has a pretty thin core that allows you to select the features you need and drop the other ones easily.

8. Art of Illusion

Art of Illusion is a free, open source 3D modelling and rendering studio. Many of its capabilities rival those found in commercial programs. Highlights include subdivision surface based modelling tools, skeleton based animation, and a graphical language for designing procedural textures and materials.

9. AutoQ3D Community

AutoQ3D CAD work space helps you to make drawing and designs easier and faster. The tools are arranged and available for easy access. 

Source: EFYTimes News

Make Ubuntu 14.04 Look Like Mac With Zukimac Theme

Ubuntu Unity itself is a beautiful desktop but people over the world are smitten by the looks of Mac OS X. If you are among one of those, you don’t need to ditch Ubuntu just for the sake of OS X looks. Instead you can give it a makeover and make Ubuntu 14.04 look like Mac OS X.
Make Ubuntu 14.04 look like Mac OS X
To give Ubuntu a makeover of Mac, we shall be using Zukimac theme.
  • Extract the downloaded zipped file. You will find two directories in there, Zukimac and Zukimac-ml. Copy these to .themes directory in your home directory. Go to Home and press Ctrl+H to show all the hidden folders. If there is no .themes folder here, create one.
  • Use Unity Tweak Tool to change the theme.
That’s it. Zukimac gives some a basic look and feel of Mac OS. Here is what it looks like with default OS X Maveric wallpaper.

Further changes to get Mac feel in Ubuntu 14.04
Additionally, you can install a dock launcher like Plank or Docky. To install Plank in Ubuntu 14.04 use the commands below:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ricotz/docky
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install plank
Along with the dock launcher, you can also install Synapse indicator as an alternative of Mac Spotlight. Use the following PPA from Noobslabs to install Synapse indicator:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/apps
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install indicator-synapse
Apart from these two, you can also install Slingscold launcher, alternative of Mac OS X launchpad. Use the same Noobslabs PPA as mentioned above to install Slingscold launcher in Ubuntu 14.04:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/apps
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install slingscold
Honestly, I am an avid Ubuntu fan and I like Ubuntu’s default Unity looks. In addition, there are plenty of beautiful icon themes in Ubuntu 14.04 to beautify it. But as I mentioned before there are plenty of people who like Mac OS X and I hope this tutorial helped them to make Ubuntu 14.04 look and feel like Mac OS X.


Monday, 28 April 2014

15 Linux Command That Can Be Used To View System Info

Linux administrators and users often need to view various system information. Commands in this section can tell you anything from hardware details to your system's kernel version. They are especially useful for developers in various scenarios.

1. arch

This command will show you the architecture of your system.

2. uname-m

This is another command to view the architecture of the system.

3. uname-r

This command is used to check the kernel version that is being used in the system.

4. dmidecode-q

This command give you the hardware components in your system.

5. hdparm-i / dev / hda

This is the command that shows the characteristics of your hard disk.

6. hdparm-tT / dev / sda

This command is used in order to conduct tests readings on hard drives.

7. cat / proc / cpuinfo

These commands can help you in getting CPU information.

8. cat / proc / interrupts

These commands are used to interrupt a process.

9. cat / proc / meminfo

This command verifies the memory usage in your system.

10. cat / proc / swaps

These commands are used in order to swap files.

11. cat / proc / version

These three commands can display the kernel version for your system.

12. cat / proc / net / dev

These four commands are used to view the network adapters and display statistics of the system.

13. cat / proc / mounts

This command shows you the mounted file system.

14. lspci-tv

If you need to view the PCI display devices then this is the command to use.

15. lsusb-tv

This is the command for displaying USB devices.

Resource: efytimes

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Resolve dell inspiron 5520 wireless detection problem in ubuntu

Most of the time when you trying ubuntu on your personal laptops, 
you may end up in wifi connectivity problem.
Here are the steps to resolve:
go to terminal or use ctr+alt+t to open a terminal and execute the following commands, 
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic
sudo apt-get install --reinstall bcmwl-kernel-source
sudo modprobe wl 
Tested in Dell inspiron 15r 5520 - works great. 

thanks to :http://askubuntu.com/questions/227394/lost-wi-fi-after-ubuntu-12-10-precise-pangolin-upgrade

Thursday, 3 April 2014

35 Tutorials On PIC Microcontrollers

The Peripheral Interface Controller, better known as the PIC Micro-controller, but you can learn about them from various resources. Here we have compiled a group of 35 text-based and video tutorials that can help you in your learning endeavors.


1. Fast Track to PIC Programming

This tutorial focuses on the following topics,

- Write code to define outputs.
- Write code to read inputs and use those inputs to affect outputs.
- Write code to react to a clock cycle.
- “Burn” code into the device.
- Parts List and Sources
- Construction
- Programming
- “Burning” Code Into A PIC
- Final Words

2. PIC 16F877A Tutorials for Pitt Robotics Club

Want to code input and output operations in your robot? This tutorial will teach you how to do that.

3. WinPicProg PIC Tutorial

If the above tutorials didn't do the trick for you, then here are 15 more that you can use.

4. PIC Tutorials

This is a set of 10 tutorial on various aspects of PIC Micro-controllers from Googlium Electronics. According to the website, the tutorials can also be ordered separately.

5. PIC Tutorial

18 chapters and a complete insight into PIC micro-controllers and how to go about them.

6. PIC Microcontroller Tutorial

Here is the table of contents for this tutorial,

- PIC Microcontroller
- Development Contd.
- Architecture
- PIC18 Architecture
- Features & Peripherals
- Free TI Design & Simulation Tools

7. PIC Microcontroller Tutorial

This tutorial series contains six videos covering various aspects of 8-bit PIC micro-controllers.

Resource: efytimes

Monday, 31 March 2014

240+ Video Courses For Electronics Engineers

 Video lectures over the internet have been very useful for students and even professionals. In fact, they have proven to be so useful universities and governments have both taken steps to provide more and more study material online. Here is a list of over 100 video courses that you can use. Watch and learn!

1. EE Lectures

This is a playlist containing over 20 video lectures from the Electrical Engineering 100 course at the University of California, Berkeley. The description says it contains electronics techniques for engineers.

2. Electronic Circuits

MIT OpenCourseWare is one of the best places for learning online. This is the Circuits and Electronics course, which contains 24 video lectures.

3. All About Circuits

This is a collection of tutorials on electronics, with topics ranging from basic electronics to diodes etc. As the website says, "The following video lectures were generously provided by Tim Fiegenbaum at North Seattle Community College. They are based on the text, Electronics for Computer Technology by David Terrell."

4. National Programme on Tehnology Enabled Learning (NPTEL)

This is an initiative by the Ministry of HRD in India. It contains a total of 96 courses in electronics engineering, with video lectures by professors from top colleges in the country. Most of the courses come from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), but there are some from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and other colleges as well.

5. TVEcourse

TVEcourse.com runs an YouTube channel hosting over 70 videos on electronics engineering. Their tagline is "Electronics for Everyone".

6. Free Video Lectures

This is one of the best known websites for finding video lectures on the internet. While many of their videos are the same as those hosted by the NPTEL, they have other course from other colleges as well. They have over 40 courses for electronics engineers to study.

7. LearnersTV

This website has over 100 video courses suited for engineers, many of which are very useful for electronics engineers as well.

8. Online Video Lecture

This is another place for finding video courses, although almost all the videos here are already covered under NPTEL and FreeVideoLectures. Still, it's always good to have options! 


Tuesday, 25 March 2014

How Tech Has Changed Us In Weird Ways

#1 Dreaming In Color

Television has deeply affected our brain, especially our dream. In 2008, a Dundee University research established that adults above the age of 55, who had brought up with a black and white TV, were more likely to experience the dream in black and white. But the younger generations, brought up in the era of Technicolor, always dreamed in color. The American Psychological Association verified these findings.

#2 Sleeping Problems

Tech –savvy people are used to fall asleep, by looking at the glow of laptop or Smartphone display. The bright light produced by the Smartphone, laptop, and tablet screens disturbs our body’s internal light cues and sleep inducing hormones. This bright light can fool the brain by thinking it is still day time and causes long lasting effect on our internal sleep clock. Our eyes are very sensitive to the blue color produced by the screen, which makes harder to fall asleep, especially for those who suffers from insomnia.

#3 Fear of Missing Out

Most of us are acquainted with the acronym FOMO, ‘Fear of Missing Out’. The New York Times describes FOMO as ‘the amalgam of worries, missing, and frustrations that can burst out while skimming social medias.

Before the advent of Social Medias such as Facebook and Instagram, people who decide to spend weekend time at home with a glass of wine and good books might have felt a bit guilty or misery that they were not out having a good time. But with the social media, the guilty feeling is blown up to a mega proportions. While you watch photos and videos of delicious food, raging parties, and dancing galore, you have the feeling that you have missed out on fine things and feel you should be out in your best attire instead of being at home with frustration. Even though, this is not your real idea of fun, you still may have those guilty feelings.

#4 The phantom vibration syndrome

Now we are hardwired to feel that our phone is vibrating, even if they are not. In 2012, a study published in the Computers and Human Behavior Journal found that 89 percent of 290 undergrad scholars surveyed felt their phone vibrating, even when it wasn’t, once every couple of weeks. The similar results were also found with the survey conducted on Hospital workers.

According to a psychologist, physical sensation such as itchiness may have mistaken by our brain as our phone vibrating. He claimed, “Something in your brain is being triggered that is different than what was triggered just a few years back.”

#5 Loosing Memory Power

There was a time where students were supposed to mug up the entire books and feed in their memory. But in this Google era, the entire information is just available at your finger tips. Who else wants to memorize the whole information, when we have a Siri or Google Now?

In 2007, a neuroscientist conducted a survey on 3,000 people and found out some drastic changes in the level of memory. Some people fail to recollect personal information, birthdays, and even their own phone numbers. In the similar way, studies have proved that calculators may diminish simple arithmetical skills. Now people even cannot navigate to their own places without using GPS.     

#6 Impulse Control Disorder

Internet and social media play a huge role in diminishing our memory and attention spans. Tech- savvy people find it difficult to read books for longer time, and opt for skimming articles online instead of reading word by word. This phenomenon may cause great troubles for the youngsters, as they fail to develop memory skills.

 A 2013 research established that video games like Halo reducing player’s capacity to restrain impulsive or aggressive behavior. Investigators concluded that forcing players to make snap decision in violent situations, inhibited proactive executive control over immediate reactions and impulses. People with an impulse control disorder cannot control the urge to do something harmful to themselves or others.

#7 Become Creative

Tech enables creative and non- creative people alike to connect with artistic media. Author Clay Shirkey claims that Tech develops ‘cognitive surplus’, the excess time and mind power we bestow to detect the activities that we find out pleasure. As per Shrikey, the social media makes people closer to videos, images and texts and it endorses culture of sharing. Thus people become more enthusiastic to share and create something of their own such as Flicker albums, a book review or a DIY project.

#8 Enhancing Visual Skills

A 2013 research found that video games, such as Halo and Call of Duty enhancing visual and decision making skill. These games enable the players to take a sudden decision based on visual cues that improves attention skill or the skill to analyze the features of your physical environment. These games can enable the players to even spot the difference between objects in dim environments.

Complex strategy-based games such as starcraft can enhance the ‘cognitive flexibility’ of the brain as well as the ability of multitasking.


Resource: siliconindia